Tammi Preziosi Tammi Preziosi

Coloring Beyond the Lines: 17 Creative Ways to Use Completed Coloring Pages

In recent years, adult coloring books have soared in popularity, with people of all ages discovering the therapeutic and relaxing nature of coloring. Coloring is a fun and creative outlet and a fantastic way to practice mindfulness and relieve stress. But what can you do with a coloring page once completed? In this blog, we'll explore 17 creative ways to repurpose your finished coloring pages and provide guidance on where to find tutorials for these ideas.

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Tammi Preziosi Tammi Preziosi

Digital vs. Physical Coloring: How Artists Connect with Different Medium

Discover the differences between digital and physical coloring and learn how artists can choose between these mediums based on personal preferences and project requirements. Explore popular software platforms such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Fresco, and Procreate for digital coloring. Find various learning resources, including online tutorials, books, and workshops, to help artists develop their coloring skills.

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Tammi Preziosi Tammi Preziosi

The Joy of Coloring

Coloring is for more than just children. In recent years, adult coloring has become a popular form of stress relief and creativity for people of all ages.

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Tammi Preziosi Tammi Preziosi

Hello Crafting World

Welcome to my new crafting blog, "Crafting with Me and My Zs," where I'll share my creative ideas and inspire others to explore their crafting abilities. I'm a seasoned crafter, and this blog results from my passion for crafting and desire to share that passion with others.

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